
How trishaw rides combat loneliness: one woman’s journey
As I look back at 2018 and the phenomenal progress that Cycling Without Age Singapore has made, I remember specifically the difficulties of starting up a charity in a country where I am a foreigner. With each challenge posed to me, I would keep myself motivated by thinking of the over 500,000 seniors in Singapore whom I […]

Connecting Generations through E-Trishaw Rides
Singapore, 29 August 2018 – It only takes a trishaw ride to bridge the past with the future. This was the motivation behind the ‘Temasek Foundation Cares – Moving Generations Programme’. The innovative pilot programme, a partnership between Temasek Foundation Cares and Cycling Without Age, aims to connect seniors from the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations […]

Ageing and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility
On November 23rd 2017 we organise an event to increase awareness within Singapore of CWA and to raise funds which will allow us to work towards purchasing additional trishaws so we can reach more seniors in the Singapore community. During our event we will discuss the importance of our program as well as the value […]

Lianhe Wanbao
Local Chinese daily Lianhe Wanbao about Cycling Without Age. Journalist Ong Zhen Yu describes his readers as the pioneer generation of Singapore, which is why they would relate to the stories of trishaw rides. We hope you like it too? See article here.

Singapore’s cutest volunteering opportunity ever: giving trishaw rides to the elderly
Once a humble mode of transport, trishaws are viewed primarily as tourist traps these days. Thanks to Cycling Without Age, however, they’re getting an image update. It encourages volunteers to take elderly members of their communities out on trishaw rides, helping them to get around and enjoy the simple pleasures of being in the great […]

TODAY – Taking the elderly out for a trishaw joyride
In this feature in Today, Ole Kassow says: “Coming out on the road and feeling the wind can unleash a quality of life that has been lost in so many people when they grow old”

ScandAsia – Cycling Without Age
Cycling Without Age is a Danish invention and the magazine ScandAsia was quick to pick up on the launch in Singapore

Expat Giving – Cycling Without Age
At Expat Giving they match expats with worthy causes for contributing to the local society, we are grateful for their support

Lifting spirits with a trishaw ride
Ageless online is a local magazine that writes about senior citizens, they too support Cycling Without Age

We love the trailer for the Cycling Without Age documentary
This is a trailer for the documentary by Michael Dorgan about Cycling Without Age. Expected release: December 2015.